Logistic System for Environment & Waste Management

Beispiel Kunststoffrecycling

Example: plastic recycling


ULM is a logistic system, based on the RFID technology, for automatic mass flow collection, documentation and accounting.

ULM allows a collection of inventory and monitors quantities flows by electronic marking of plastic bundles with multi-path RFID tags possible. The aim of the system refers to the collection and processing of all data in a logistic information chain, there should be no double collections of data anymore. All at the recycling process involved companies are a part of the automatic and electronic data exchange.

Characterisitics of ULM:

  • Exact time recording of the output
  • Permanent, automatic and electronic stocktaking
  • Exact disposal allocation
  • Electronic transmission of the order data
  • Voucherless and paperless communication
  • No double collection of data
  • Improvement of data consistency

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